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Registration information

We would like to inform you that the personal data required for personal registration will be used in the learning process – when completing the necessary education documentation (diary, learner’s form) and registering the study group list and the final exams with the Transport Administration.

Course registration conditions:

Category D (bus driver)Age: at least 24 years
Driving experience (excl. provisional driving licence): at least 2 years
Valid professional driver’s certificate (category II)
Category C and CE (lorry and road train driver)   Age: at least 21 years
Driving experience (excl. provisional driving licence): at least 1 year 
Valid professional driver’s certificate (category II)    

Please submit the following documents before the start of studies:

  • ID card or passport
  • Valid driving licence
  • Two colour photographs 3.5 × 4.5 cm
  • Valid professional driver’s certificate (category II)

Courses and training services are provided for a charge. We generally charge a combined fee for courses, which may be paid in stages. On request, however, it is also possible to pay separately for the different parts of the curriculum (theory, driving).

Please pay the tuition fee of the courses to the bank account of Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport as follows:

a/a nr EE212200221010951070 Swedbank
a/a nr EE461010022001352000 SEB Pank
a/a nr EE401700017001675126 Luminor Bank

Please pay the state fee for the driving test at the Transport Board (26 EUR) to the invoice:

a/a nr EE651010220015656015 SEB Pank

Bases for organisation of studies

Read more here

Instruction vehicles

Learn more about instruction vehicles here