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Tallinna Linnatransport put old Tallinn trams up for sale

AS Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) has excited many tram fans by putting their old KT4 trams up for sale to the public. Altogether, 15 old Tallinn trams are being sold. Currently, two of them are listed on the auction platform (No. 147 and 166).

“The KT4 trams have served their time honourably,” says Toomas Hirve, director of the engineering division at TLT. “Many of them were originally built as early as the 1980s. Unfortunately, every vehicle has a limited lifespan and the new PESA trams will soon replace many of the KT4 trams. We have already retired some trams that have seen better days, but we decided to sell those that have stood the test of time. Why scrap a tram that holds so many memories and nostalgia for people when someone out there might be interested in doing something exciting with it?”
TLT has sold old trams at auctions before and they have been put to use in projects ranging from cafés, offices and even shelters.

The first of the new PESA trams is set to arrive in Tallinn this May, after which they will immediately start test drives. Before they can be used by the public, the new trams must complete a 1000-kilometre test drive in real road conditions.

Links to the listings: