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infoline (including found items) 8:00 –20:00 +372 643 4142
Lost / found

Contact us


Departure times of Tallinna Linnatransport vehicles, ticket information, lost and found items, and feedback: 8:00–20:00 +372 643 4142


Tallinna Linnatransport Kadaka tee 62a 12618 Tallinn

+372 643 4000 Formal appeals, inquiries, reminders and requests for information, please send to TLT’s general e-mail address.


Tallinna Linnatransport Kadaka tee 62a 12618 Tallinn

Contact us

Write to us if you have any suggestions or thoughts you would like to share.

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Send us a tip to inform us about an event that you believe is incompatible with good business practices or generally accepted moral standards.

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Submit an enquiry to receive available information about the fulfilment of public service duties.

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